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We recommend it to accommodation providers

Privacy Statement

Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, the accommodation provider who qualifies as a data controller is obliged to inform the data subject about the circumstances of the data processing before starting the data processing.
There are many areas of data management where Data Controllers do not properly define the legal basis for data management, and the previous Infotv. consent is used in practice, although it is the most difficult to apply.

The preparation of the Data Management Information and Statement basically consists of the following 4 steps:

  • The scope of personal data processed must be assessed.
  • The legitimate purposes of data processing must be clearly defined.
  • Legal bases in line with the provisions of the GDPR supporting the lawfulness of data processing need to be defined.
  • In possession of this information, the Data Protection Prospectus and, in the case of a consent legal basis, the statement must be prepared.

If it is required, our team will map and identify the points in your processes where you need to provide information about your data management or obtain a statement of consent, and then prepare these documents.

Creating a privacy policy

In our experience, the Privacy Policy is prepared by the service providers, but it often does not fit into real processes and procedures.
In its investigations, the supervisory authority (NAIH) not only checks whether the accommodation provider has a Privacy Policy, but also whether that Policy complies with the GDPR and whether these procedures are applied in practice?

Who do we recommend preparing the Regulations for?

  • Where there is an online login interface, a contracting interface is in place.
  • Where there is a larger number of data treatments.
  • Where there are a large number of data transfers, even abroad, and the management of these requires the regulation of data management processes by internal procedures.
  • Where a larger number of employees are involved in the provision of the service (for example: in the event of a Privacy Incident in the absence of regulation, employees do not know what procedure to follow, how to file a NAIH report within 72 hours).

A well-applied policy in line with the service provider’s practice provides answers to all this.

The Policy may cover HR data management, which is not public. In the field of HR, a lot of data management processes and obligations can be identified, which are the so-called there may also be traps for the Data Controller employer.

Did you know that most NAIH proceedings start with affected parties? An angry, dissatisfied guest or an employee full of revenge can do a lot of damage to your business if your company’s data management obligations are not correct.

Data protection audit

A review of the operation in accordance with the GDPR is required several months after the mandatory application of the GDPR.

During the Audit

  • we map all the data management processes of the accommodation provider,
  • check that you have all the necessary documents and statements of consent,
  • check that all data management processes work in accordance with GDPR,
  • we then examine whether regulations and practices are consistent.

Following the Audit, we prepare a GAP analysis, in which we describe the identified non compliances and prepare an Action Plan to remedy them, which includes a detailed description of the tasks and the related deadlines.
As a conclusion to the process, we will perform the tasks specified in the Action Plan, as a result of which the data processing performed by the service provider will be carried out in accordance with the GDPR regulations.

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Why do we recommend performing an audit?

For several reasons, it is advisable to make sure that the accommodation provider (hotel, boarding house, apartment, campsite, etc.) has fulfilled all its tasks arising from the GDPR and operates in accordance with the developed rules. It is worth preparing for an official inspection and examining whether all processes are operating in a regulated manner.

We will help you with these tasks, entrust us with the tasks that come with it, and we will help you, not with advice, but with a tangible solution. Using our more than ten years of experience in adult education, we also undertake the further training of our employees. Our goal is not only to follow, but also to understand the rules of all those who work in the hotel industry.

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3. Az általunk használt "Sütik" típusai

3.1. Munkamenet sütik

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A szolgáltatással kapcsolatos részletes tájékoztató a következő linken keresztül érhető el:

4. A sütik beállításának ellenőrzése, valamint a sütik letiltása

A modern böngészők engedélyezik a süti beállítások módosítását. A böngészők egy része alapértelmezettként automatikusan elfogadja a sütiket, de ez a beállítás is megváltoztatható annak érdekében, hogy a jövőre nézve megakadályozza az automatikus elfogadást. Átállítás esetén a böngésző a továbbiakban minden alkalommal felajánlja a sütik beállításának választási lehetőségét.

A legnépszerűbb böngészők süti beállításairól az alábbi linkeken tájékozódhat

· Google Chrome
· Firefox
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
· Safari
